Conditions of Learning Survey

Dear Parent, Guardian, or other Legally Responsible Adult:

All Iowa public school districts are required to administer an annual school climate and culture survey to students in grades 3-12 called Conditions for Learning Survey (Survey). The Survey is designed to measure their engagement in school, safety and the overall learning environment.  

From April 1-29, parents and families of students in preschool through grade 12 will also have the opportunity to participate in the Parent Conditions for Learning Survey. The Survey contains similar items to those on the Student Survey, focusing on areas that range from student safety, to positive adult and student relationships, to school rules and how they are enforced. 

The Parent Survey, which is available in English and Spanish, will be accessible to parents or families online from April 1-29. Participation in the Survey is encouraged, but it is completely voluntary, and all questions are optional to answer. A copy of the items on the Survey is available by request. The end of the Survey also asks a few questions which the Department of Education must collect as required to report under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). 


Responses to the Parent Survey are confidential and the results are completely anonymous. No names are recorded, and no identifying information is attached to specific responses. The results of the Survey will be provided back to the school to be used with the Student Survey results for identifying areas of strengths, and areas for improvement. 

Thank you for your involvement in Twin Cedars to improve conditions for learning here and throughout the state. An overview of the Survey is included.

Please let us know if you have any questions. (We will send the link for the survey on April 1.)


Scott Bridges Dave Roby Kim Roby

Superintendent Principal Principal

Twin Cedars CSD Twin Cedars JH/HS Twin Cedars Elementary


From April 1-29, 2022 you will be invited to complete the online Parent Survey (Survey). Participation in the Survey is confidential and anonymous. Parents and guardians of students in preschool through grade 12 may optionally complete the Conditions for Learning Survey questions. No person is required to complete the Survey and participation is completely voluntary. The Survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.

Purpose of the Survey

The purpose of completing the Parent Survey is to obtain your perceptions of how your child/children experience your school’s climate/culture. You may repeat the Survey for each child that is in preschool through grade 12. The information collected will be used to improve school safety, student engagement and the overall learning environment in the school and statewide. You will be asked to take the Survey online. Let your principal know if you do not have access to a computer/smartphone. 


All information collected will be nameless. You will not put your name, birth date, or any other information that would identify you on the Survey and all questionnaires will be private. You will be asked to provide whether your child is receiving special education services, and the age and race or ethnicity of your child for federally required reporting purposes. Information across adults will be added together and reported as a school district group. Results are aggregated and only reported by subgroups (e.g. grade of student, race or ethnicity of student) for which there are at least 10 respondents.


There will be no payment or reward for adults filling out the Survey.


All parents/guardians will be invited to fill out the Parent Survey. You have the right to refuse to answer any questions on the Survey. Completion of the Parent Survey is considered a consent to participate for the adult.


There is no direct risk involved in filling out the Parent Survey. The Survey may ask about topics that are sensitive. 


The data collected throughout the state will provide schools and communities with the information they need to provide programs that will assist schools in providing safe and supportive environments that engage all students in learning.  


Questions regarding the Parent Survey are welcome. Please contact your school principal or the contact below if you have any questions or concerns:

Iowa Department of Education: